
Last update: 06/30/23

About me
Rental Apartment
HAM Radio


As already mentioned, my interests are amateur radio, communication technology and electronics in general. If time allows also music.


Amateur Radio - Amateur Radio is a very interesting hobby that allows hams to communicate to the whole world either via voice, morse code or digital modes like RTTY, PSK and others. At the moment the integration of Amateur Radio and the Internet is one of the main activities. The two elements Amateur Radio and Internet melt together and allow an highly efficient communication platform with virtually no limitation.

Satellite communication via Amateur Radio Satellites is possible too - In other words if you are interested in modern technologies, then you should read further in order to get a deeper understanding  of Amateur Radio.

My favourite transceiver is the FT1000D, already +15 years old but still very good compared to what is available nowadays. The older ones have been delivered with EPROM version 5.84, which beside of other issues does not support the serial port communication with the PC. In order to get it working, the EPROM version must be upgraded to version 6.00. Drop me an email and I can send you the binary. You need somebody who is able to program EPROMs.

In order to use Amateur Radio, a license is required, and after a successful examination, the German regulation department of telecommunication issues a ham radio license.




DARC (Deutscher Amateur Radio Club)


Computer - As a radio amateur, nowadays it is required to use computers. This not only for using it as a traditional typewriter, but also for controlling the transceivers, running the logbook, encode and decode digital modulation schemes or control the antenna's position. The Cisco WEB page provides a lot of details.



Communication technology - My profession is - as it should be - in communication technology of all variants. As a systems engineer I am designing Tetra und Paging infrastructure systems all over Europe and Africa. Since the end of 2019 I retired after 34 years and still active in the RF environment.

Motorola USA


Motorola Deutschland

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Last changes: 06/30/23